Simple Winter Nails

Sorry for not being able to post at all lately! I caught a cold early last week and it took me a whole week until I could handle the nail polish smell again. Luckily I’m feeling great now and can’t wait to get back into painting my nails 🙂

I made this simple winter nails just before catching the nasty cold and wore them through the whole week because I wouldn’t have been able to handle the smell of the nail polish remover. The amazing thing that I discovered was the Picture Polish nail polishes ARE durable!!!

Simple Christmas Nails

All of the photos here were taken a week after application. No chipping, no colour change, only a few scratches on the surfaces. Wow!

…Why am I so surprised with just one week?

Let me be honest with you, I’m a germaphobe, tadaa~!! I’m crazy about washing my hands and sanitising them regularly. When I or one of my family members have a cold, my craziness intensifies a little, like washing hands with anti bacterial soap for at least 10 times during a breakfast preparation.

With that degree of hand washing obsession, not many nail polishes can survive longer than 3 hours after application lol.


Picture Polish ShockedBut look at this, even the tips of my free edge are still covered!! Can you believe it?!

Picture Polish Shocked

The polishes I used were LakoDom and Shocked – both from Picture Polish. This brand is definitely my current hot favourite!

Sorry I don’t have a tutorial today. Just taking things easy ;p

Thank you very much for visiting!! xxxx