Happy Australia Day!! Yes, I know it was YESTERDAY!! But I was a little bit too busy enjoying an Aussie BBQ and watching the Australian Open Tennis and cricket (What am I? A man?).
Enough exposing my manliness. When I did an Australia Day Nail Art before, I used red, blue and white like the traditional Australian flag. So I decided to go for another popular Aussie colour combo – Green and Gold!
Here is the tutorial of how I made this Australia Day Nail Art 2016, I hope you like it 🙂
For this design, I used three of my franken polishes. The white polish which I used as the base for all nails is called Milk. And this bright yellow polish is called Sunflower. Sunflower looks really opaque yellow, but it has a small amount of glitter holo and it twinkles in the Sun.
This one is called Feather, because it reminds me of duck feathers 🙂 Feather has a lot more glitter holos than Sunflower. I used this on the tip of the gradient nails.
This is Comet from Beyond The Nail, and I used it between Sunflower and Feather to create a gradient. I also added a small amount on top of the green part of the Union Jack.
I absolutely adore this shade! The colour is amazing, and the formula never seems to change – so easy to apply every single time! Here is the swatch.
To seal my hand painted design without shrinking or dragging, I used Gloss On Top! from Picture Polish.
I hope you like this green and gold version of Australia Day Nail Art 🙂 Thank you for visiting!
Absolutely love this colour scheme! So unique and non-traditional, yet so beautiful <3 I'm so amazed (as always) that your freehand lines come out super straight XD Your frankens are pretty too, love the sparkles!
After I got Liquitex acrylic paints as you recommended, I can't stop using them. They're so awesome! Is cleanup easy for you when you use them? I did sponge gradient using Liquitex the other day, and although the effect was amazing, cleanup was a pain! Should I clean while it's still wet?
Yaay Cassis!! Thank you SO very much for your super sweet comment about my hand painting and frankens! It means a LOT to me 🙂 <3
I totally agree with you! It's crazy how hard to remove acrylic paint from the skin and cuticle areas. I've tried sponge gradient with acrylic paint a long time ago, but I can remember it just didn't work. I'll have to check out how you did it 😀
Anyways, I normally use nail polish remover and a wood stick with a small fluff of cotton wrapped around the tip. And basically soften the paint and sweep it away rather than trying to dissolve the paint, if that makes any sense. I found that acrylic paint doesn't get diluted or "dissolved" by removers like nail polishes do. It always leaves a soft, plasticky, film-like stuff onto the cotton after wiping. With a cotton stick I'm only using a tiniest amount of cotton and remover each time, it won't affect the rest of the design or dehydrate the skin too much by using excess amount of remover.
If the paint was still wet, I'd use just a dry wood stick (without cotton and remover) to wipe any smudge or mishaps. Because the remover can be absorbed or travel into the wet paint and change the colour or distort the design.
I'm sorry I'm going blah blah XD I'll drop in later and write in Japanese which might be better...or worse?! XD Thank you sooo much for your visit gorgeous!! <3 xxx