Jelsa Inspired Nail ArtDo you know what “Jelsa” means? Jelsa is a combination of Jack Frost from the movie Rise of the Guardians and Elsa from Frozen. Even though they are from different movies, they somehow found each other.


Jack Frost and ElsaIΒ was told about this story byΒ @jaliasjelsa on Instagram who initially asked if I could do Jelsa inspired nail art, and I totally fell in love with these two love birds!!

I decided to create a tutorial video for this design, but unfortunately Jack Frost didn’t make it onto the video. Because he was made on a plastic freezer bag to become a decal – there is no way I can draw him directly on my dominant hand! πŸ˜€

I hope you enjoy the rest of the creation anyway!


Frost Nail ArtWhat I really LOVE about this design is the frost pattern on my index, ring and pinky.


Bundle Monster BM XL209To create this frost design, I used BM-XL209 which was kindly sent by Bundle Monster. I did a stamping test on a piece of paper like my dear friend Cassis does – not as perfect as she does, of course πŸ™‚


Bundle Monster Peel Off Skin ProtectorOne more lovely gift from Bundle Monster. I wore this Peel Off Skin ProtectorΒ while I was creating the gradient effect and stamping. Not only does it work like a magic, it’s PINK!!!! The colour is super cute and it makes me super happy when I’m wearing it πŸ˜€


Elsa Nail ArtIt was not so easy to draw 3D character like Jack and Elsa, but I’m pretty happy with the result!

What do you think of these two being together? I think it’s FANTASTIC!!! xD

Thank you for your visit!! xx