Snowflakes are so beautiful and I will love to have them on my nails as many times as possible during winter! But I always take far too long to paint each snowflake on my nails. So I decided to practice more hoping that I’ll be able to shorten the painting time a little bit.
It is always the best to practice on a piece of paper first. I normally use a pencil and eraser until I gain enough confidence, and then I switch to acrylic paint and a paint brush to practice a little more.
– How to Draw Snowflakes on Paper –
The best way of drawing a snowflake for me is to imagine a clock!
- Draw a line from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock.
- Draw a line from 2 to 8.
- Draw from 10 to 4, keeping all three lines in the similar length.
- Add an arrow head on each line, leaving small gaps in between the arrow heads.
- Draw the wider arrow head close to the end of the three lines.
- Add a small square / diamond on the end of each line.
I think the key to draw a precise snowflake is to have equal spaces in between the first three lines, and to do that, imagining a clock helps me a lot!
Thank you!!