Acrylic 3D Butterfly NailsYesterday, all of the sudden my creative juice started flowing, which rarely happens by the way lol, and I had to create something crazy! And these are what I made – Acrylic 3D butterfly nails!!


3D Nail ArtFor this design, I extended my nails with acrylics and decorated with flowers and butterflies that I separately made with acrylics. The designs on the butterflies are done with acrylic paint. It took me a while to complete this design, but none of the steps were hard and I was enjoying the process very much!!


Acrylic 3D ButterfliesIt’s always nice to have acrylic products rolling around me, so that whenever the time like this comes I can just start working straight away.



3D ButterfliesI should have done better with the big butterfly wing designs.


3D Butterfly Nail ArtHehe, it was such a good feeling to follow what I want to create and charge through without worrying about the time!

Okay! Now that I used up all my creativity lol, I’m going to take a break from blogging for a couple of weeks. I’ll try to come back sometime in December!

Oh! Before I go, I just noticed that I have 300 followers now! How amazing!! Thank you so very much for your support!!!

I’ll see you soon!!