Hand Painted Nail Art Title
Hand Painting allows you to design anything you want on your nails.
Below we will use Acrylic Paints because they are easy to draw with and become water resistant when they dry.

What you need for Hand Painted Nail Art

Hand Painted Nail Art Equipment

  1. Aluminium Foil Sheet
  2. Paper Towel
  3. Water
  4. Paper Palette
  5. Paint Brushes
  6. Acrylic Paints


Getting the right consistency

First, let’s get familiar with the right paint to water ratio.

  1. Squeeze a small amount of acrylic paint onto a sheet of foil or a paper palette.

Using Acrylic Paint

  1. Pick some water with a paint brush and drop the water onto the paint. Mix well until the paint becomes smooth.

How to Mix Acrylic Paint

  1. Try drawing a line on the polished nail.
  2. If the paint is thick and creates streaks in the line, add some more water.
  3. If the line has a jagged look or even breaks up, the paint is too thin. Add more paint.

Correct Acrylic Paint Consistency

Drawing with various brushes

  1. Start drawing from the background design first. Pick some yellow paint with a long brush.

Using a Nail Art Brush

  1. Draw random lines with light pressure so that the brush hair doesn’t spread.

Correct Use of a Nail Art Brush

  1. Draw some flowers with a small brush and white paint. Start with a small dot, and then gradually shape it into a petal shape.

How to Draw Flowers by Hand

  1. Add some dots with a dotting tool. Apply onto the nail lightly to avoid digging into the nail polish underneath.

How to use a Dotting Tool

  1. Add the finer designs with a very small brush.

Using a Fine Nail Art Brush

  1. Allow the paints to dry and apply top coat to complete.

Completed Hand Painted Nail Art

  1. Make sure to rinse the brush well before the paint gets dry. To avoid damaging the brushes do NOT use nail polish remover to clean them.

How to Clean a Nail Brush

Next step in Nail Art – Water Marble