Buffing will be perfect for bumpy and cloudy looking nails. Especially for those who don’t apply nail polish, just having buffed nails will make your hands look super neat.
What you need
- 3 Way Buffer or Sponge Block Buffer
- Cuticle Oil – only if you’re not going to apply nail polish after buffing.
- Cotton or Dust Brush
How to Buff Nails – Procedure
- A buffer consists of 3 parts. We’ll call each of them Part A, B and C.
- First, use the roughest part of the buffer (Part A). Buff the surface of the nail gently, moving the buffer from the base of the nail towards the free edge.
- Buff the sides of the nail as well, using a corner of the buffer. Buff until the entire nail becomes cloudy.
- You can remove the burr edge (created from filing) by buffing the end of the free edge. What’s a burr edge?
- Using the smoother part of the buffer (Part B), repeat step 2 and 3.
- Using the smoothest part of the buffer (Part C), repeat step 2 and 3 until the nail becomes shiny.
- Once you have buffed all nails, remove dust with a damp gauze.
- If you are NOT going to apply nail polish, apply Cuticle Oil onto the cuticle line and massage into the skin and nails. This will help nourishing the skin.
Techniques to avoid during buffing
- Do not buff from side to side, as it will create heat and make the nails dry. Dryness can cause splitting and peeling of the nail.
- Do not push the buffer down too hard, as it may damage the matrix and affect future nail growth.